"AGE OF THE COVENANT" is almost here!!!
The official release date its on the 1st of November and on this special day you will have the chance to hear it full for the very first time on Emisiunea Supersound (hard rock & heavy metal) at Radio Romania Cluj !
The album will be available at our official online store http://decease.bigcartel.com/ or http://deceaseband.bandcamp.com/ or through http://www.bestial.ro/ and http://www.nicherecords.ro/
You can also get it directly from us at one of our upcoming shows :
07.11 - Iasi @ The Gate Bar w Need For Speed (MD)
08.11 - Chisinau @ Sheer Terror Metal Fest - Albion Territory Club w Zombie Attack(UA), Need For Speed(MD), The Cursed(MD), Autist (MD)
22.11 - Cluj-Napoca @ Hard Club w Krepuskul(Cj), Crimena (Craiova)
29.11 - Bucuresti @ November To Dismember Fest - Fusion Arena w Tankard (DE), Asphyx (NL)
30.11 - Targu Mures @ Chaos Metal Fest - Jazz & Blues Club w Angerseed (Hu)
See you all at the shows!!
Ro version :
28 oct. 2014
10 sept. 2014
New track, from the upcoming album!
Here it is!!! Our brand new song from the upcoming album.
Engineered, mixed & mastered by Marius Costache
Artwork credits : Alex Boca
Video credits : Ionut Șleam
Enjoy & share!
Engineered, mixed & mastered by Marius Costache
Artwork credits : Alex Boca
Video credits : Ionut Șleam
Enjoy & share!
27 mar. 2014
Romanian Thrash Metal Club impreuna cu
Hatework si Asociatia Culturala Manifest va invita Vineri 18 aprilie in
clubul Private Hell din Bucuresti (Calea Grivitei nr. 91) la un concert
special sustinut de una din cele mai importante trupe de thrash metal din tara noastra: DECEASE din Cluj-Napoca.
Evenimentul se incadreaza in reperele unui sprijin real pentru undergroundul autohton, fiind ultimul popas al clujenilor inainte de a intra in studioul NextDog Studio din Bucuresti, unde vor demara inregistrarile pentru viitorul full length.
Alaturi de Decease vor urca pe scena din Private Hell alte doua formatii locale ce vor fi anuntate in decursul urmatoarelor zile.
Si pentru ca, dincolo de partea de entertainment pe care un concert underground o livreaza, organizatorii doresc sa concretizeze acel "support for the underground" regasit in prezentarea celor mai multe concerte live, incasarile acestui eveniment vor fi integral redirectionate catre inregistrarile viitorului material.
Biletele vor fi 10 lei si se vor gasi doar la intrare.
Deoarece este un eveniment support, membrii RTMC vor plati si ei bilet, la pret intreg.
Like, share and keep supporting !
Romanian Thrash Metal Club
Asociatia Culturala Manifest
Evenimentul se incadreaza in reperele unui sprijin real pentru undergroundul autohton, fiind ultimul popas al clujenilor inainte de a intra in studioul NextDog Studio din Bucuresti, unde vor demara inregistrarile pentru viitorul full length.
Alaturi de Decease vor urca pe scena din Private Hell alte doua formatii locale ce vor fi anuntate in decursul urmatoarelor zile.
Si pentru ca, dincolo de partea de entertainment pe care un concert underground o livreaza, organizatorii doresc sa concretizeze acel "support for the underground" regasit in prezentarea celor mai multe concerte live, incasarile acestui eveniment vor fi integral redirectionate catre inregistrarile viitorului material.
Biletele vor fi 10 lei si se vor gasi doar la intrare.
Deoarece este un eveniment support, membrii RTMC vor plati si ei bilet, la pret intreg.
Like, share and keep supporting !
Romanian Thrash Metal Club
Asociatia Culturala Manifest
19 mar. 2014
Back in the studio!
are very thrilled to anounce that we will be hitting the studio this
april to record our second full-lenght album entitled "The Age of the
The album will be recorded at NextDogStudio(www.facebook.com/NextDogStudio) in Bucharest, Romania, alongside Marius Costache(www.mariuscostache.ro) and its scheduled to hit the streets in the fall of 2014 under Hatework Records.
More details to be followed soon.
Avem bucuria sa va anuntam ca incepand cu luna aprilie vom incepe inregistrarile celui de-al doilea album Decease.
Albumul se va numi "The Age of the Covenant" si va fi inregistrat alaturi de Marius Costache in studioul NextDogStudio din Bucuresti.
In functie de desfasurarea lucrurilor vor urma si o serie de informatii si detalii,asa ca stati pe aproape.
The album will be recorded at NextDogStudio(www.facebook.com/NextDogStudio) in Bucharest, Romania, alongside Marius Costache(www.mariuscostache.ro) and its scheduled to hit the streets in the fall of 2014 under Hatework Records.
More details to be followed soon.
Avem bucuria sa va anuntam ca incepand cu luna aprilie vom incepe inregistrarile celui de-al doilea album Decease.
Albumul se va numi "The Age of the Covenant" si va fi inregistrat alaturi de Marius Costache in studioul NextDogStudio din Bucuresti.
In functie de desfasurarea lucrurilor vor urma si o serie de informatii si detalii,asa ca stati pe aproape.
18 feb. 2014
Our first album, available for free listening!
Our first album, Exhort to Obliterate, is now available for free listening on our Bandcamp Page, ReverbNation Page and SoundCloud Page ! Enjoy and spread the madness! \m/
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Click Here |
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Click Here |
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Click Here |
1 ian. 2014
Happy new year! \m/
2013 was a succesful year for Decease.We've accomplished so much and we've managed to reach a new level.
To celebrate this, we've decided to share with you the title track from our first album entitled "Exhort To Obliterate" ,as a video with a bunch of live footage and funny tour shit.We hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to everyone who filmed and shared these moments with us and thanks to everyone who supported and helped us get this far.
As for 2014, we are planing to release a new album and keep growing as a band so stay tuned and support the extreme music.
Cheers and a happy/alcoholic/deranged new year to everyone!
2013 a fost un an de succes pentru Decease, timp in care am realizat destul de multe lucruri si am reusit sa mergem la un alt nivel.
Ca sa sarbatorim acest lucru am hotarat sa va mai dam o piesa si anume piesa titlu "Exhort To Obliterate" , sub forma unui videoclip realizat ca un colaj de filmari adunate de prin concerte si intamplari de prin turnee.Va multumim tuturor care ati filmat si impartasit cu noi momentele si multumim tuturor persoanelor care ne-ati sustinut si ne-ati ajutat sa ajungem pana aici.
Pentru 2014 pregatim un nou album si speram sa ne tot ridicam.
Numai bine si la multi ani! "
To celebrate this, we've decided to share with you the title track from our first album entitled "Exhort To Obliterate" ,as a video with a bunch of live footage and funny tour shit.We hope you enjoy it.
Thanks to everyone who filmed and shared these moments with us and thanks to everyone who supported and helped us get this far.
As for 2014, we are planing to release a new album and keep growing as a band so stay tuned and support the extreme music.
Cheers and a happy/alcoholic/deranged new year to everyone!
2013 a fost un an de succes pentru Decease, timp in care am realizat destul de multe lucruri si am reusit sa mergem la un alt nivel.
Ca sa sarbatorim acest lucru am hotarat sa va mai dam o piesa si anume piesa titlu "Exhort To Obliterate" , sub forma unui videoclip realizat ca un colaj de filmari adunate de prin concerte si intamplari de prin turnee.Va multumim tuturor care ati filmat si impartasit cu noi momentele si multumim tuturor persoanelor care ne-ati sustinut si ne-ati ajutat sa ajungem pana aici.
Pentru 2014 pregatim un nou album si speram sa ne tot ridicam.
Numai bine si la multi ani! "
26 sept. 2013
Now you can buy our stuff directly from the Decease store!
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