3 ian. 2013

Decease had signed with the extreme underground metal label Hatework Records

Salutare tuturor si la multi ani!

Dorim sa anuntam faptul ca trupa Decease a semnat un contract de colaborare Hatework Records\Asociatia Manifest din Cluj-Napoca astfel albumul de debut si urmatoarele materiale vor fi lansate sub titulatura Hatework .
Data lansarii a primului material va fi anuntata ulterior.
Ne vedem la concerte !

Hail and a happy new year to everyone!

We are proud to announce that Decease had signed with the extreme underground metal label Hatework Records\Asociatia Manifest from Cluj-Napoca so our debut LP and our next materials will be released under Hatework Records.
The release date for our first LP will soon be unveiled.
See you at the shows and support the extreme underground!


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